Quit Playing with My Life

By Art Pronin for TaylorMarsh.com – The reason I have been a Democrat is because Dems are supposed to protect Social Security and the welfare state. Dems, the real ones, back progressive taxation. I found out about the hard way the wonders that leaders like FDR and LBJ achieved for our nation. Many years ago,…

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Neighborhood Fund Raisers to Pay for Cancer Treatment

Dear Speaker Boehner: I am a musician, a member of a symphony orchestra that belongs to a national group known as the Regional Orchestra Players’ Assoc. Most of the musicians who perform in these orchestras are not covered by insurance carried by their employer, even though I believe most of the office staff do have…

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He Had Worked Hard Since He Was 12

Dear Speaker Boehner: My husband died in 2003 due to lack of care for diabetes and cancer after we lost our health insurance. There were times we couldn’t get insulin and no churches or private agencies could help either. We lost our home, our business and eventually him, because the only jobs I could get…

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No Help

I am a 21 year old female with health issues that need be addressed. I went to see a doctor who has charged me 100 dollars ( which I have not been able to pay him yet ) for a diagnosis. There is no more that he can do. I have all the risk factors…

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If You Can’t Beat ’em Join ’em

I once worked as an adjunctive therapist in a very small private practice. The primary provider was routinely denied coverage for patients in a quite predictable pattern, and it would take insurance companies up to 9 months to pay for care provided that was precertified. As an experiment, this provider interjected actual looney tunes quotes…

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