Call Congress – Single-Payer Bill to be Reintroduced
Ask your Representative to become an original cosponsor of HR 676: “The Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act.” today!
Rep. John Conyers is going to reintroduce national, single-payer healthcare legislation very soon–sometime this week.
Before he introduces the bill, Mr. Conyers would like to have as many original cosponsors as possible. Please call your Representative today and ask them to cosponsor HR 676.
Call the U.S. Capitol Switchboard at (866) 220-0044, ask for your representative’s office, and then ask them to sign as a co-sponsor.
Be sure to mention that in order to become an original cosponsor of H.R. 676, your Representative will need to contact Michael Darner from Rep. Conyers’ office at or (202) 225-5126.
If you don’t know your US House Representative, find out here.
Current Representatives already on board (thank them if you’re in their district): Nadler, Schakowsky, Pingree, Grijalva, Ellison, Hank Johnson, Eddie Bernice Johnson, Takano, Holmes-Norton, Lofgren, Rangel, Moore, Chu, Al Green, Farr, McGovern, Welch, Clarke, Lee, Nolan, Pocan, Doyle, Engel, Gutierrez, Frederica Wilson, Cohen, Edwards, McDermott, Clay, Huffman, Roybal-Allard, Cummings, Yarmuth, George Miller, Honda, Christensen, Rush.
Here is the “Dear Colleague” letter from Rep. Conyers:
Dear Colleague:
I invite you to become a cosponsor of H.R. 676, “The Expanded & Improved Medicare For All Act,” which enjoyed the support of 77 cosponsors in the 112th Congress. HR 676 also has the support of over 17,000 doctors, 14,000 nurses, and hundreds of labor unions from across the nation.
Under H.R. 676, the American health care system would transition to a privately-delivered, publicly-financed non-profit universal health care system. The United States remains the only country in the industrialized world that has a for-profit health care delivery system that is unable to contain health care spending. This dysfunctional system places a heavy burden on the budgets of states, municipalities, and American families.
Under H.R. 676, every resident of the United States would receive a card at birth that would guarantee access to a full range of medically necessary services, including primary care, dental care, prescription drugs, mental health services, and long-term care. There would be no restrictions on choice of physician or health care provider. Americans would have greater freedom to pursue work opportunities because health insurance would no longer be tied to employment.
In addition to expanding access to care, H.R. 676 would curb the growth of health care spending and place our country on a sustainable fiscal path. H.R. 676 would provide approximately $300 billion dollars in savings by improving efficiency in our health care system.
How do you ask your representative to co-sponsor this vital bill when your representative is Eric Cantor.
Re Eric Cantor, certain services that everyone needs are most fiscally conservatively provided when done using socialist principals. Examples include the VA medical system which has a much greater return on every dollar spent than private insurance and the army/navy/air force. Imagine if we had to pay 30% more for our mercenaries via a privately or publicly held corporation that expected dividends? One thing that America represents to me is the natural vetting of the expenses of our society to categorize them appropriately. I believe defense, health care and education are priorities for everyone and providing them to a reasonable degree is called for and I think the reasonable degree is still in question. I submit my reasonable degree would be that we would defend nations which would defend us (allies) or territories that pay taxes to us for defense, we educate anyone who will accept our edu-brainwashing, and we provide health care for all our people up to a tune of $300,000 per life or some average number I tried to figure out just now. (($8000perYr*75/2)) I divided by 2 to adjust for inflation. Everything has to be adjusted for inflation. Anyway doing the math derives the fiscally responsible position.
I would agree that healthcare should be a right and not a privilege. I also think that healthcare should be unforced (i.e. no mandated crap like vaccinations which are unproven, unstudied voodoo medicine). I do not agree that defense is something that we should be paying through the nose for…since our Founding Fathers were opposed to a standing military to avoid the EMPIRE BUILDING that we currently find ourselves supporting. The fact is that we don’t have a DEFENSE department, we have an OFFENSE department.
Vaccines have proven themselves a million times over while you do not have a scintilla of evidence for your outrageously false assertion.
It’s time to choose people over profits! Sign the petition and join us in supporting a single-payer Medicare-for-all program.
If anyone has a link to any public statement made by Conyers on his plans to reintroduce H.R. 676 this week…anything after his statements at The National Labor Strategy Conference in Chicago last month which didn’t mention, as far as I know, any time frame…I would appreciate it if you could drop it in here.
I won’t be able to get any kind of response from my Rep’s office without a statement from Conyers on his plans.
We are the only major industrial country now in the world WITHOUT Universal Health Care Coverage for All, this is shameful and disgusting!! We must let The Private Insurance Cartel tell us otherwise!! We can do better in this country, we are long, long way overdue for this. Many European countries have had this for nearly 60 years now and they pay 50% LESS IN HEALTH CARE COSTS than we do in America!! We must in America now, join the rest of the civilized world in enacting legislation so we can all have Single Payer HealthCare Coverage for All!! One million Americans every year go BANKRUPT trying to pay their medical bills because of being either underinsured or not insured at all!! This is disgusting and shameful, it makes America the laughing stock of the world, and it makes us look hypocritical if not downright stupid and corrupt!! My fellow Americans now is our chance, join Representative John Conyers of Illinois in passing this!!!
Correction!!! We must NOT LET the Private Insurance Companies tell us otherwise, sorry for the error!!!
Michael Darner has responded to a query from me on verification of Mr. Conyers’ intent with a copy of the cosponsor proposal contained in the action alert. The proposal is undated and Mr. Darner offers no verification Mr. Conyers plans to reintroduce the bill this week.
Congressman Conyers has reintroduced HR 676 into every Congress since 2003. He does so as soon as the bill number 676 comes up so that the movement is able to keep the number. Why would your representative doubt that the bill will be reintroduced? Conyers’ letter to colleagues solicits signers, and already 37 have signed on.
My Representative might respond to public pressure. Single Payer advocates need strong, vocal…public…statements from political figures like Conyers to keep them engaged and active. They need to be confident politicians like Conyers, who have made statements in support of ObamaCare as well as Single Payer, are more than opportunists exploiting public support for Single Payer to gain political capital with voters. We need national media attention.
If there is a link to an updated list of House members from the 113th that have signed on to cosponsor this time around, I would appreciate it if you dropped it in. I can’t seem to find it. Thanks.
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