BLET-Kentucky State Legislative Board Endorses HR 676
From Unions for Single Payer –
Bryan Aldridge, Chairman, reports that the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers-Kentucky State Legislative Board, has endorsed HR 676, national single payer health care legislation introduced by Congressman John Conyers, Jr. The legislation is also known as “Expanded and Improved Medicare for All.”
The BLET-Kentucky State Legislative Board represents approximately 900 members and 12 divisions in the State of Kentucky.
The resolution affirms that BLET-KSLB “will work with other unions and community groups to build a groundswell of popular support and action for… HR 676 until we make what is morally right for our nation into what is also politically possible.”
In other news, Congresswoman Janice Hahn of California’s 44th District and Tim Ryan of Ohio’s 13th District have signed on to HR 676 bringing the total to 57 in addition to chief sponsor Conyers.