The Baucus 8 One Year Later (Video)

On May 5, 2009, 8 health advocates stood up to the members of the Senate Finance Committee, chaired by Senator Max Baucus, to expose the exclusion of the health reform favored by the majority of people in America: a single payer/national improved Medicare for All health program. Industry lobbyists were invited to testify before the committee while single payer leaders were excluded despite a request to participate. The advocates, who became known as the Baucus 8, gathered one year later to discuss their motivations for speaking out on that day:

In this longer video, the Baucus 8 reveal what they learned about the health reform process and what we need to do now to achieve true health reform: Single payer/national improved Medicare for All.

Members of the Baucus 8 are represented by the organizations listed below. You can learn more about their work and get involved through their websites.

Join us in building the broad and educated grassroots movement that will create the political will for true health reform!

Guaranteed Health Care for All
Health Care Now
Labor for SP
Mobilization for Health Care
National Nurses United
Physicians for a National Health Program
Prosperity Agenda
Single Payer Action


  1. Ann Tompkins on May 26, 2010 at 5:56 pm

    Help! I have a type or two in my last message. If the Moderator can correct the spelling of “Persistance” to “Persistence” I would very much appreciate that. There was another spacing or spelling error, but I can’t recall nor reclaim my submission. Such thins are not crucial, but better if rectified!