Arrested Single-Payer Activists on FRONTLINE

Nearly one year ago, doctors, nurses, and single-payer advocates stood up in the Senate Finance Committee hearing led by Senator Max Baucus to protest the exclusion of single-payer advocates from the discussion. One by one they were arrested.

Now, FRONTLINE examines the writing of a healthcare bill by a corporate-controlled Congress. In Obama’s Deal, airing Tuesday, April 13, at 9 P.M. ET on PBS (check local listings), they feature the exclusion and arrest of single-payer advocates while the insurance, drug, and hospital corporations were at the table.

Members of Healthcare-NOW! were among those arrested at the Senate Finance Committee hearing one year ago. We can’t stop demanding the healthcare we need. We must continue escalating our role as watch dog of the insurance industry, making sure that Congress and the corporations return healthcare to the people. We need your help to build the movement that will win! Please donate today. Our message is clear: expanded and improved Medicare for All!

Standing up to Senator Baucus and the Senate Finance Committee was a wake up call for advocates of universal healthcare. It clearly showed corporations controlling Congress to protect their profits.

Please watch this important episode, and donate to Healthcare-NOW! today.

Check out the preview (and find local listings) featuring clips of the Baucus 8 and a brief interview with Dr. Margaret Flowers.


  1. Courtney on April 13, 2010 at 9:45 pm

    I am SO ready to see this episode. Hopefully it will open some people’s eyes.

  2. Kyle on April 14, 2010 at 12:17 am

    Frontline disappointed in a big way tonight…but thanks are due to Dr Flowers and MAHD anyway

  3. LB on April 14, 2010 at 2:04 pm

    I watched last night’s FRONTLINE, and while it started off strong, I felt it faltered somewhere in the middle by failing to maintain the original direction of the piece. Showing clips of Obama’s previous campaign promises, juxtaposed against the reality once he got in office should have made the point. But then, it’s as if PBS shifted in perspective, and by showing the President speaking out against the health care industry’s demands, it ended up leaving the viewer with the mistaken impression that the resulting bill was a victory, as opposed to the corporate sellout many of us know it to be.

    Reading the comments left on the PBS discussion forum, it’s clear that the piece failed to inform in any meaningful way. People will continue to see what they want to see; supporters of the bill will remain supporters, while many of us are left wondering why FRONTLINE passed up an opportunity to bring the realities of the bill more clearly into focus. In essence, the piece tried too hard to be too many things, to too many people, and ultimately only succeeded in making the point that politics as usual is the only viable option, with political victories taking precedence over more humanistic (and realistic) concerns.

  4. Katie R on April 15, 2010 at 2:15 pm

    Dr. Margaret Flowers responds to the absence of single-payer in Frontline’s “Obama’s Deal”

  5. bernhardbx on July 22, 2011 at 10:34 am

    Good post, thanks a lot with the awesome posts!