Action Alert: End WellPoint’s Greed

On May 18th, Dr. Rob Stone plans to deliver a resolution to WellPoint/Anthem, the largest health insurance company in the US, calling for it to return to its charitable, non-profit roots at their upcoming shareholder meeting in Indianapolis.

WellPoint, like all health insurance companies in the nation, is a parasitic middleman that enriches its executives while increasing costs for the rest of us, and denying or delaying healthcare to patients. Healthcare-NOW! supports Dr. Stone for challenging insurance company greed at the WellPoint shareholder meeting.

We want you to sign on in support!

Sign on to this petition to call for an end to insurance company greed and support improved Medicare for All – a national non-profit healthcare system that will serve all people with high quality healthcare regardless of ability to pay. As long as private insurance companies are in the mix, we will never have the high quality healthcare system we deserve.

The petition signatures will be delivered on May 18th at a demonstration in front of the of the WellPoint shareholders meeting to show that people across the nation are for a real healthcare system that eliminates greed – and that’s improved Medicare for All.


  1. Mary Dunn on May 14, 2010 at 12:09 am

    Dear Sir,

    I believe that real U. S. Social Forums are an excellent way to educate the public and that we need healthcare reform in that everyone will have healthcare.

    If private insurance companies are not in the mix wll we have both high quality healthcare and accessible healthcare? What will be the method, if any, for getting that care in a predictable way.