Action Alert: “National Lessons for Health Reform”

The Leadership Conference for Guaranteed Health Care, along with Healthcare-NOW!, is preparing for the third Congressional briefing in Washington, DC titled “National Lessons for Health Reform: An Examination of US Health Insurance.”

Thanks to the phone calls, faxes, and emails, the last briefing on Feb. 25 had an unprecedented number of healthcare staffers in the room. The turn out was phenomenal.

We need your help again to get calls into your Representatives and urge them to attend the next event. You can find your Representative’s phone number here, or you can easily email them here.

Encourage your Members of Congress and their staff to attend the forum on “National Lessons for Health Reform: An Examination of US Health Insurance,” April 1st, 2-4pm in 2226 Rayburn House Office Building.

Please circulate this request to your local coalition and organizations.

Here is a link to the invitation. This forum is open to the public, and an RSVP is highly recommended.

Also, thanks to the combined support of activists and supporters in-district and the work being done in Congress, we now have 69 Cosponsors on HR 676 as of today!


  1. Richard on April 30, 2009 at 4:49 pm

    Single-payer health care just won’t work. Americans are not going to put up with waiting days,weeks or months to see a specialist, to get into a hospital and / or waitng for a non-life threatening operation. Americans are not going to put up with a government beaurocrate deciding which doctor to see, what hopital we must use or what medications we can take. Single-payer is not working anywhere. If you looking to bring down the cost of health care weed out the fraud!