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New Jersey Universal Healthcare Coalition
Healthcare-NOW! administers Single Payer Now's donations. Therefore, Healthcare-NOW! will show up on your credit card statement. 15% of your donation will support Healthcare-NOW's  technical assistance to groups such as the NJUHC; the other 85% will support NJUHC directly.

Healthcare-NOW! - 215-732-2131 - info@healthcare-now.org - 9A Hamilton Place, Boston, MA 02108
New Jersey Universal Healthcare Coalitionnjuniversalhealthcare@gmail.com - c/o Elaine Herzog, 228 Graham Street
Highland Park, NJ 08904

Privacy Policy
The New Jersey Universal Healthcare Coalition respects the privacy of our members, supporters and all visitors to our web site. Information provided voluntarily by you will never be sold, rented, exchanged or otherwise disclosed to any other organization, except our affiliate, Healthcare-NOW.

Refund Policy
All donations are final.

Healthcare-NOW! is a non profit 501(c)(4) organization. Donations made here support the political work of the NJUHC and are not tax-deductible.