Happy Birthday Medicare!!!

Today, single-payer supporters from all over the country are celebrating the 44th birthday of one of the nation’s most popular public programs: Medicare.

On this anniversary of Medicare, we are calling for an end to a wasteful private health financing model based on earning profits through the restriction and denial of needed health care.

This could be done through the passage of HR 676, “Expanded and Improved Medicare for All,” or S 703, “American Health Security Act.”

We need your help in telling members of Congress that the people want single-payer now.

Please, call your Senators and Representative today.

If you don’t know your Congress Members, or want to email them rather than call, go to www.VoteSmart.org. Otherwise, call the Capitol Switchboard at 866-338-1015.

Make these four requests:

1. If you haven’t, cosponsor single-payer legislation today. (HR 676 for Reps. and S. 703 for Senators)

2. Join Senators Schumer, Harkin, and Sanders in asking the CBO to score single-payer legislation. Past cost-benefit analyses (including from the CBO) reflect the cost neutrality of a single-payer system, and savings of healthcare dollars overall.

3. Vote for single-payer amendments to current legislation going through House and Senate committees. The grassroots movement is closely watching the outcomes of the votes on single-payer amendments. This will be documented and remembered in the midterm elections.

4. Refuse to accept campaign contributions from the healthcare industry and support publicly funded elections. The receipt of healthcare industry dollars is a conflict of interest as you vote on healthcare policy.

We are greatly concerned that the current legislation will not be universal, protect individuals from bankrupting medical bills, or guarantee needed healthcare to people. Even with proposed private insurance reform, the quality of coverage available will vary significantly depending on ability to pay, which is flagrantly discriminatory. Healthcare is not a product, it is a necessity, and all deserve equal access to care. In addition, there are no realistic cost-containment measures.

A single-payer system of publicly-financed and privately-delivered care solves all of these issues and provides true health security. It is the only proposal that is both socially and fiscally responsible.


  1. John P. Falchi on July 30, 2009 at 8:51 am

    Happy Birthday
    In honor of the 44th Anniversary of the birth of the Medicare
    program, we invite all persons benefiting from Medicare to
    join us for cupcakes in honor of this landmark decision that
    has benefited so many in this country. We will also hear about
    expanding this program to include everyone (Medicare For All)
    as we think about health care reform in this country.
    WHEN: Thursday, July 30 @ 2 pm
    WHERE: City Heights Rec Center
    4380 Landis St., SD 92105
    RSVP: asimonsays@gmail.com or call 619-884-6482
    If you are NOT a senior and would like to help out with the
    event, please contact Anita Simons (asimonsays@gmail.com) or
    call 619-884-6482.

  2. H & D Ribbentrop on July 30, 2009 at 5:46 pm

    We must have Medicare for all- it is the best plan . Much lower admin costs- no fat cat paychecks- golden parachutes- stock holder payments. No Co-ops .

  3. Michael D. McGinnis on July 30, 2009 at 7:51 pm

    My little sister is now facing the prospect of surgery for a heart valve replacement. She is insured through Medicaid. But Medicaid falls short by 20% of the amount needed for open heart surgery. With all the fears of her heart problems, complicated by Lupus. Now she must worry about how she is going to pay the required 20% up front, so they can schedule the surgery. If too much she is considering not getting the surgery which will almost for sure kill her. We need SINGLE PAYER HEALTHCARE AND WE NEED IT NOW. I’m fed up, with the insensitive attitude of the President and Congress who chose to ignore the wishes of the majority of patients, doctors and healthcare staff pleading for a Single Payer System, so they can insure their positions on Capitol Hill.

  4. Christine Clark on July 30, 2009 at 8:47 pm

    July 30 2009

    Several single payer health supporters rallied at the Spokane County Courthouse in Spokane Washington. We bought a birthday banner at a party store, rented helium tank and bought balloons, crafting “Happy 44th birthday, Medicare” on the balloons. One of us wore a shorty hospital gown over tshirt and shorts with the plastic bare buns tied on to demonstrate the need for adequate health care coveraqe for all.

    Using a list of media contacts purchased from http://www.easymedialist.com for Eastern Washington, press releases were sent out last night and early this morning, resulting in a rally announcement by Spokane’s ABC affiliate morning news reporter (KXLY-TV), a visit by the Spokane Public Radio reporter, and an interview by the Spokane CBS affilliate news reporer from KREM-TV.

    The former local Republican party chairman also visited to add to the reported dialogue for the ABC news reporter that out-of-control health care is costing all of us a lot of money, but that healthcare for all without responsible participation would just be worse!

    The goal was to educate the general public about the shared knowledge that health care in the USA is inadequate, that single payer health care is the appropriate health care plan, and that a national and/or state public option must be provided in health care service delivery.

    Celebrating Medicare’s 44th birthday gave some of us the opportunity to tell of deaths of grandparents before Medicare: at home dying for several days in pain.

    Medicare for All with HR 676 modified by HR 777 is the best care for all of us with responsible appropriate participation, with a future nation healthier and stronger.

  5. Marcia Everett on July 31, 2009 at 12:27 pm

    Put HR676 on a large poster in your windows at home and in your auto. We plan to make our own polls, commercial, statement tell your neighbor and continue calling congress to sign on to this bill.

  6. L. J. Stewart on July 31, 2009 at 6:32 pm

    to Christine Clark
    I do not agree that HR 676 be modified by HR 777.
    I do not find fault with HR 777.
    I think HR 676 needs to be kept as it is, without modification.
    Just my opinion. No offense intended.

  7. corinne kalser md on August 4, 2009 at 11:12 am

    we are ready, anyone in the system knows it. Why are we failing to get the word out? We need to slam the media with the truth!!! It is the only way to reach the people, simply tell them how much money we will save by Medicare for all! And make it clear how much the insurance company steals from us !
    Keep the message simple and clean, even the savings on uninsured ER visits is astounding.
    It is the people we have to get talking to each other, and calling their senators.